About Us

Complete automotive repair service, doing it right, the first time.

At Primary Auto Repairs, we're more than just your average auto repair shop. We're your go-to hub for all things automotive, committed to keeping you on the road with top-notch services that go the extra mile.

From tackling the ins and outs of automatic transmission fluid to reviving your batteries with precision starting and charging services, we've got your back. Our team understands the intricacies of modern vehicles, ensuring your brakes are not just reliable but perform at their peak.

When it comes to diagnosing those pesky automotive issues, we're no strangers to the challenge. Our state-of-the-art diagnostics service pinpoints problems swiftly, leaving no bolt unturned.

Exhaust systems hissing? No problem. We'll make sure your vehicle's exhales are as smooth as possible. Need a routine oil change? Let us handle it with care, because we know that a well-maintained engine means a happier ride.

Transmission acting up? Engine not humming as it should? Fear not! Our expert technicians specialize in transmission and engine repairs, ensuring your vehicle purrs with performance.

And last but not least, let's talk tune-ups. Our meticulous tune-up services fine-tune your vehicle for optimal performance and longevity.

At Primary Auto Repairs, our commitment goes beyond fixing cars. It's about building relationships with our valued customers. You're not just another car in the garage; you're part of our automotive family. We pride ourselves on reliability, expertise, and a customer-first approach.

So, whether it's a quick fix or a more in-depth repair, trust Primary Auto Repairs to get you back on the road with quality services and a smile.

Ready to experience top-tier auto care? Come on over and let's get your wheels spinning smoothly!

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Our Features

We aim to give great service at an affordable price.

Professional Mechanics

We Have a team talented mechanics. All with different strenths but their synergy ensures that their work is of a high standard and reliable. We call them the 'A' Team. Now I bet you have that theme tune playing in your head.

Best Materials

We source the best materials to give our mechanics the tools to do their work. High grade oils and lubricants are what we use on your vehicle. We know what is good for your engine to give it the ability to perform its best. One kilometer at a time.

Variety of Services

We offer a variety of quality services to ensure your vehicle will perform smoothly and safely.

Affordable Price

We are competitive and offer value for money. Our introductory offer of $120 a mechanic hour, is proof that we will not be beaten on price and yet not sacrifice quality of workmanship.

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We Cover the majority of work you will need done - to ensure your vehicles reliability

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